

Seharusnya software pengamanan bertugas menjaga perangkat dari serangan program jahat. Namun peneliti keamanan dari Kaspersky Lab menemukan fakta yang bertolak belakang.

Melalui keterangan tertulisnya, Senin, 25 Juni 2012, perusahaan antivirus asal Rusia itu mengungkapkan ada tiga file dalam Android Application Package (APK) yang tergolong sebagai software pengamanan justru menjadi pengintai.

Ketiga file APK dengan ukuran masing-masing 207 kilobita ini terdeteksi sebagai HEUR:Trojan-Spy.AndroidOS.Zitmo.a.

“Semua aplikasi tersebut berbahaya dan diciptakan untuk mencuri SMS yang masuk dari perangkat yang terinfeksi,” kata Denis Maslennikov, Senior Malware Analyst Kaspersky Lab.

SMS tersebut kemudian akan diunggah ke remote server dengan URL terenkripsi dan disimpan di dalam tubuh Trojan.

Salah satu domain remote server tersebut, kata Maslennikov, telah didaftarkan menggunakan data palsu yang sama yang digunakan untuk mendaftar ZeuS C & C pada tahun 2011.

“Fungsi malware juga hampir sama dengan sampel ZitMo tua. Oleh karena itu, kami menyebut ‘Android Premium Security Suite’ sebagai New ZitMo,” ujarnya.

Sebelumnya perusahaan antivirus ini juga pernah menemukan 3 file lagi di dalam APK dengan fungsi yang sama persis.

Jadi, setidaknya ada 6 file yang semuanya berpura-pura menjadi »Android Security Suite Premium”, tapi sebenarnya diciptakan untuk mencuri SMS yang masuk.

Setelah perangkat file security abal-abal ini, akan muncul icon perisai biru dengan nama »Android Security Suite Premium”. Apabila aplikasi tersebut dibuka, akan terlihat “kode aktivasi”-nya.

Selain mencuri konten SMS, salah satu sifat Trojan ini adalah dapat menerima perintah untuk uninstall sendiri serta mencuri sistem informasi sekaligus mengaktifkan/menonaktifkan aplikasi tersebut.


kelebihan dan kekurangan win 8

kelebihan dan kekurangan win 8

^______^ Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Windows8

Microsoft emang ga ada habisnya mengeluarkan versi windows nya, setelah yang terheboh XP, lalu Vista dan seven, sekarang sudah diketahui microsoft mengeluarkan lagi Wondows 8. Mungkin ga ingin kalah dengan munculnya platfrom2 yang open sourch ya? karena memang dari dulu microsoft sudah terkenal dengan produk windowsnya, seperti apa keunggulan windows 8 ini?
Beberapa waktu yang lalu beredar kabar bahwa Windows 8 bakal hadir pada tahun 2012 mendatang. Adapun versi beta Windows 8 akan dimulai di awal 2011. Suksesor Windows 7 tersebut memang direncanakan hadir setelah tiga tahun kehadiran Windows 7 di pasaran. Microsoft mengungkap bahwa mereka takkan mengulangi jeda waktu lama yang terjadi antara evolusi Windows XP ke Vista.
Sayangnya, Microsoft belum buka suara. Raksasa software asal Redmond itu belum memberi konfirmasi resmi. Sebagai informasi, dokumen Windows 8 sebelumnya pernah bocor ke publik. Salah satu yang terungkap dalam dokumen itu, Windows 8 akan difokuskan pada tiga bentuk perangkat: laptop, PC ‘all in one’ dan slate alias tablet.
Sebelumnya, Mary-Jo Foley dari Zdnet pernah mengungkapkan bahwa Microsoft telah rampung meramu Milestone 1, yang bakal menjadi cikal bakal Windows 8. Versi betanya kemungkinan bakal hadir mulai 2011.
Prediksi 8 fitur baru yang bakal ada pada Windows 8 :
1. Toko Aplikasi
Coba pikirkanlah toko aplikasi App Store milik Apple, atau Android Marketplace milik Google, yang bakal dibuat oleh Microsoft. Rumornya toko aplikasi Windows tersebut bernama Windows Store. Bisa jadi toko aplikasi ini digabungkan dengan Windows Phone 7 dan mendukung Xbox 360. Siapa tahu..
2. Internet Explorer 9
Kemungkinan browser Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) bakal kembali dipaket oleh Microsoft saat meluncurkan Windows 8. Mengapa? Hal ini mungkin karena pasar IE terus digerogoti browser-browser tandingan seperti Firefox dan Chrome, yang kini makin diminati.
3. Windows Live 5
Detail Windows Live 5, mungkin bakal hadir setelah Windows 8 dikapalkan. Windows Live Wave 4 beta kini telah tersedia. Dalam hal ini fitur sinkronisasi patut diacungi jempol. Kita tunggu saja apa yang baru pada Windows Live 5.
4. Jadwal Peluncuran Windows 8
Windows 8 dikabarkan meluncur pada pertengahan 2012, sementara versi betanya ada pada pertengahan 2011.
5. Aplikasi Berbasis Web
Aplikasi berbasis web kini merupakan ‘sawah’ yang menjanjikan bagi para pengembang software. Dengan adanya toko aplikasi Windows, semoga Microsoft telah membidik hal ini.
6. Tiga Kategori Baru Windows 8
Menurut Microsoft, Windows 8 ditujukan pada tiga jenis kategori PC: ‘Lap PC’, ‘Workhorse PC’, dan ‘Family Hub PC’. Kemungkinan, kategori Lap PC adalah netbook, notebook dan tablet. Sementara workhorse dan Family Hub lebih ditujukan untuk kantoran serta keluarga.
7. Digital Media
Saat membahas digital media milik Microsoft, yang terbesit di kepala adalah: Windows Media Player, Windows Media Center, dan Zune. Nah, kabarnya Windows 8 akan mendukung format baru seperti AVC HD, 3D video, serta multiple MPEG-4 formats berbasis web, serta MJPEG, MPEG-2 (decoding/encoding), H.264 (encoding), dan WMV sendiri.
8. Kinect Pada Windows 8
Sensor gerak pada Microsoft kini telah hadir. Walau hanya diproduksi untuk Xbox 360, namun sekedar berandai-andai boleh saja kan? Alangkah asyiknya seandainya Kinect pun diadopsi pada game-game dengan Windows 8. Microsoft pun pasti bakal lebih kaya, saat bekerjasama dengan para vendor game.

8 Kelebihan Windows8 :

Windows 8 (ist)
perubahan dibanding sistem operasi Microsoft generasi terdahulu. Apa saja kelebihannya ketimbang Windows 7? Berikut 8 di antaranya seperti detikINET kutip dari TechRadar, Rabu (14/9/2011):

1. Dioptimalisasi untuk layar sentuh

Windows 7 memang support layar sentuh, namun tidak optimal dari sisi desain dan kemudahan pengoperasian. Berbeda dengan Windows 8, interfacenya yang dijuluki sebagai Metro benar-benar dioptimalkan untuk sentuhan dengan wujud ala interface Windows Phone.

2. Mendukung chip ARM

Windows 8 mendukung perangkat yang memakai infrastruktur chip ARM. Hal ini diharapkan memperluas jangkauan Windows 8 di arena tablet, mengingat kebanyakan tablet yang beredar saat ini memakai chip ARM.

3. Toko aplikasi Windows Store

Windows 8 akan memiliki toko aplikasi sendiri yang dinamakan Windows Store. Windows Store menyediakan berbagai aplikasi yang dioptimalkan untuk Windows 8.

4. Mendukung NFC (Near Field Communications)

Windows 8 akan mendukung NFC, sebuah teknologi yang kegunaanya antara lain untuk transaksi keuangan digital. Tablet yang memakai Windows 8 pun kemungkinan besar akan otomatis menyertakan fitur ini.

5. Waktu boot yang singkat

Boot Windows 8 dalam demonya hanya berlangsung dalam 8 detik. Sebuah waktu yang jauh lebih singkat dibanding booting di Windows versi sebelumnya.

6. Internet Explorer 10

Internet Explorer 10 dijanjikan membawa perubahan besar ketimbang versi IE terdahulu. Browser ini diklaim sangat ramah digunakan baik dalam tablet maupun PC.

7. Sekuriti lebih baik

Windows 8 dikatakan akan memiliki fitur sekuriti lebih baik untuk menghadang serangan cyber. Di antaranya fitur Windows Defender lebih ditingkatkan kemampuannya di OS ini.

8. Windows 8 tidak membutuhkan upgrade PC

Microsoft menyatakan komputer yang bisa menjalankan Windows 7 dapat pula menjalankan Windows 8 sehingga user tak perlu upgrade PC. Menurut Microsoft, prosesor Intel Atom dan RAM 1 GB sudah cukup untuk menjalankan OS ini.
Kelemahan nya :

Sistem operasi Windows 8 ini memiliki beberapa fitur yang lebih bagus dibandingkan dengan Windows 7, diantaranya adalah tampilan yang lebih baik, bisa bekerja juga di Tablet PC, bahkan juga bisa mendukung untuk touchscreen alias layar sentuh dan masih banyak kelebihan lainnya.

Sayangnya diantara semua kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh Windows 8, ada satu kekurangan yang mungkin buat saya ini cukup penting. Yaitu pada sistem operasi Windows 8 yang digunakan untuk Tablet PC ini tidak mendukung untuk content Flash, baik Flash pada aplikasi multimedia, video maupun pada game.

Ternyata Microsoft memang sengaja membuat Windows 8 ini tidak bisa mendukung konten Flash di Tablet PC. Alasan Microsoft melakukan hal ini adalah untuk menghemat baterai Tablet. Selain itu juga dapat melindungi privasi Tablet kita dan meningkatkan keamanan. Hal ini dikarenakan pada beberapa aplikasi dan perangkat elektronik lainnya, penggunaan konten Flash justru menyebabkan data rusak atau crash.
Walaupun demikian, OS Windows 8 di komputer Dekstop Interface tetap bisa menggunakan konten

sumber: http://www.m-alwi.com, http://www.winsupersite.com, windows8news.com, windows8center.com, http://www.detikinet.com, http://www.infogue.com, http://teknologi.kompasiana.com

Grammatical Relation in Sougb







Student Reg. No. 200851071














1.1     Background

Language is a tool of communication that has been pronounced and created from one of follow space by human body. It articulated through stomach then move to lungs and from lungs proceeds as natural until created an amazingly process: phone, phoneme, morph, morpheme, word, sentence, clause, paragraph, and language. The one of important thing for human to do the interaction is language. All people live with have interaction. In interaction, the human needs communication process certainly. The meaning of this sentence purpose is language. Every people have a language. The language is main instrument to do the communication process. All the things that sent or heard are altogether conducted with language that is why some people learn knowledge of linguistics.

“Linguistics is the scientific study of language, for example its structure, relationship to other form of communication, and others.” (Hornby: 1980:31). Linguistics focuses on language study. That study in examples is how language formed, language sound, its structure, and how people use it in society. In general, linguistics have branches are phonology, syntax, morphology, sociolinguistics, semantics, pragmatics, and the others.

Indonesia is a country that has many provinces with its languages. Papua is one of them. This island has more or less than 421,981 km2, and is occupied by people who differ in cultures which have more than 250 local languages.

The researcher takes Sougb as one of languages that used in west Papua for research. Seeing the several things above, the researcher is focus on grammatical relation that is happening in Subject, Verb, and Object based on tenses in Sougb language.

1.2     Language and its speakers

The term ‘language’ is Sougb is called ‘Mer’ and Sougb has meaning ethnic (Sayori.2010.pc). Sougb has another name that is ‘Manikion’. However, according to the people Manikion is not their own term and was only used by outsider. The term has negative meaning toward the existential of Sougb people. Thus, Sougb people prohibit the use of term. Manikion consists of two words: Mani ‘oil’ and kion ‘dregs’ so Manikionmeans ‘oil dregs’ (Mandachan,p.c., December 2012 ). In Indasari (2010:2).

According to Reesink (2002) the speakers of Sougb language are approximately 12.000 people. There are approximately 50 villages which use Sougb language in daily live. The community of Sougb language lives between the Anggi Lake which is in the north and the southern border of Bintuni bay. Reesink (2002) also mentioned about Sougb language has tree major dialects; (1) SougbMisenis spoken in the sub-district Anggi, Suserei, Merdei, Ransiki, Oransbari. (2) Bohonthis dialects is spoken along the coast around Ransiki. (3) Lou thos and arm area referring to southern dialects and also the minor dialects is Sre or Cicir which spoken by small group of people near the mouth of the Rembuni River in Manokwari. Reesink also points out that language is closed to Meyah and Hatam language typologically, Sougb has SVO word order.

1.3     Demography

The speakers of Sougb are found in Anggi, Merdey, Bintuni and Ransiki. Some of them live in Anggisubdistrict and it is believed that Anggi is the center for the spread of Arfak people for the first time ( Apomfires and Sapulete, 1993: 257-258).

Anggisubdistrict on the north side borders with Warmaresubdistrict, on the west, it borders with Kebarsubdistricts, on the south borders with Merdey and Bintunisubdistrict, and on the east, it borders with Ransikisubdistrict (Apomfires and Sapulete, 1993: 258).

Demographically, according to Manokwari statistic office 2008, the total population of Anggi is about 2016 consisting of 1039 males and 977 females. Anggi is located in attitude of 700 meters to 2000 meters above the sea levels (Tucker, 1987 in Apomfire and sapulete, 1993: 258).  The Anggisubdistrict is in the Iraiwery in the edge of AnggiGiji Lake.

Apomfire and Sapulete (1993: 256) add that the livelihood of Anggi people is farming. The main crops of their farms are cassava, taro, bananas, papaya and vegetables such as spinach. They also plant other nutritious vegetables such as onion, carrot, beans, cabbage, and other types. Besides farming, they also hunt some wild animals for their daily needs such as cuscus (Phalanger sp.), marsupials (Dendrolagus, sp), and forest pigs (SusScrofa). They also catch some fish such as and fresh fish as they live close to the AnggiLake.

Topography of Papua varies from low land and swampy up to the highland with snowing mountain. Papua Island is surrounded by Pacific Ocean in the Northern part, Moluccas province – Arafura Sea and Australia in the Southern part, Moluccas and North – Moluccas province in the west, and Papua New Guinea in the Eastern part. (Majelis Rakyat Papua/People Assembly of Papuan 2006:41). In Diantini (2010:1).

1.4     Ethnography

The livelihood ofSougb people in Ransiki are hunters and famers. As hunters they hunt animal such as pig, deer, rat, cassowary, and cuscus. Ransiki is a place where many ethnics such as transmigrants people live together with Sougb people. Sougb people are Christian, but in Ransiki there are also catholic, Moslem and Hinduism living together. Traditionally, Sougb people believe that God who occupies the sky is Ajemoa and Siba. They have two sons; Iba and Aiba, and one daughter Towansiba (Apomfires and Sapulele 1993).

1.5     linguistics affiliation

sougb language is part of Eastern Bird’s Head group, and spoken together with sister’s language of Arfak such Hattam, Meyah and Moile. According to its linguistics affiliation Sougb is classified as follow:

Papuan >

Trans New Guinea>

West New Guinea>

Eastern Bird’s Head>

Eastern Bird’s Head Sentani>

East Bird’s Head>

Manition/Manikion (Sougb).

(This classification is accommodation from Foley 2000, Ethnologue and Reesink 2002.)

1.6     Language use and attitudes

sougb people use the language in social community divided into two parts, there are; ‘soft sougb language’  and ‘rude sougb language’. Soft sougb is spoken when the people say with different social class like: at office, at school, etc. for examples go home in soft sougb is ‘modejeda’ and garden ‘luga’. While rude sougb is spoken with other people in daily like speak with friend, brother, or sister, etc. For example go home in rude sougb is ‘moded’ and gardenin soft sougb is ‘lo’.  Rude sougb is spoken in Anggi, Ransiki, and Manokwari, while soft sougb is used in Isim and Merdey (Mandacan, p.c., December 2010).In Diantini (2010:4).

1.7     Research questions

This paper is clarifying of grammatical relation process in Sougb language, so there is question which representatively in this research.

  1. What does the grammatical relation look like in Sougb language?

1.8     Research purposes

Based on the questions upper, this study will focus of the grammatical relation with target to give evidence; is grammatical relation from Subject, Verb, truly can happen in Sougb language based on tenses? And what are the factors which influence until the grammatical relation from Subject; Verb in Sougb language can happened?


1.9     Benefits of the research

This research paper is my final research task to complete my education at the state University of Papua, Manokwari. Not only that this research will be the one of reference especially linguistics majors students, and such as requirement Bachelor of Art in faculty of letter – UNIPA.



2.1 Previous Studies

The study on Sougb language and culture in the beginning wan initiated by SIL missionaries. From their study they provided some information related to the translation of Bible in Sougb language. In addition, at the earlier age when contact happened with Netherlands (Dutch) government, there much ethnographic information about Arfak in general and Sougb in specific has been studied and brought to Eroupe by the Europen scholar. Other information regarding to Sougb language where provided by some linguist such as Voorhoeve and Reesink but still limited.

Some studied in Sougb also have been conducted by some scholar such as Apomfire and Sapulete (1993) which describe about the Arfak as mountain slope people. Besides, Voorhoeve has classified the language’s level of stock in 1975 and in 1987; he identified that dialect chains of tha language.

Reesink (2000) studied a grammar sketch. Reesink (2002) studied the grammar and typology of the language. There are some references of Sougb those have been used in this study. Those references are selected from previous studies by local students. First Darsini (2010) describes form and functions in Sougb pronouns; a language of east bird’s head of Papua. In her research she describes about the types of pronoun and possessive in sougb.Second Ni WayanDiantini (2010) she describes about comparison of grammatical relation in hattam and sougb. And the last one is Fitriani Indah sari (2010) she also describes about affixation in sougb.

2.2 Theoretical Framework

2.2.1 Definitions of Grammatical Relation

A grammatical relation is a role of a noun phrase or complement clause that determiners syntactic behaviors of a word in position of clause of which grammatical relation is performing through noun existence as a subject, verb and object.

Most agree that grammatical relation is not a mechanism of change in its own right, but relies primarily on reanalysis and also extension. This being the case, it will be helpful to define these notions before examining what supporters have to say about their relation to grammatical relation by its self.

Harris and Campbell (1995) argue that there is only there mechanism of syntactic change: reanalysis, extension, and borrowing; grammatical relation can come about by any of three, through reanalysis predominates. Reanalysis changes the underline structure of a grammatical relation, but does not modify surface manifestation. The underline structure includes constituency, hierarchical structure, grammatical categories, grammatical relation and cohesion. Surface manifestation includes morphological marking (morphological case, agreement, gender and word order). The grammatical relation is not equal, but not separate. They recognize that grammatical relation changes typically involves reanalysis, but not all cases of reanalysis are instance of grammatical relation. Indeed, many reanalysis do not involve grammaticalization, many word order changes, and changes from of equal or less grammatical strength, and all the instances of counterexamples to unidirectionality mentioned above – i.e. any reanalysis which does not involve lexical > grammatical > grammatical > more grammatical; or discourse structure >morphosyntactic.

2.3 Focus of study

The focus of this research is grammatical relation in Sougb, especially in subject (singular/plural), verb and adverb of time. In Sougb when they talk about something that has been happened, the verb that has plural’s subject will be change nevertheless without adverb of time, but when its subject has just singular subject, its verb can change too with one agreement, we have to put an adverb of time in backside sentence.

2.4 Summary

Sougb is a nice language which thereis in Papua that can be made a research object. Just some people who have done their research about this language. They are Darsini, in her research she describes about the types of pronoun and possessive in sougb. Second Ni WayanDiantini, she describes about comparison of grammatical relation in Hattam and Sougb. And the last one is Fitriani Indah sari she also describes about affixation in Sougb.Many subject more that still require to study. So now, the researcher tries to study about an analysis grammatical relation in Sougb.



3.1 Place and Time

This research conducted at around of Amban area which the researcher look for the native speakers in place of speech community of Sougb like at Mansinam hostel, and a place in Manunggal where one of people group live. The time to intake the data is during three months in April until juny 2012.

3.2 Research Methods

3.2.1 Library Research

The researcher also uses many facilities to complete the research. Those facilities like internet researching and CELD office that providing books to support the research.

3.2.2 Interview

This method is conducted to howknow the situation there. The researcher does the interview to ask about meaning of the name of language, their history, and sociolinguistics situation, especially about grammatical relation in sougb.

3.2.3 Elicitation

The elicitation method on this research is makes the questions about grammatical relation in sougb, especially in subject (singular/plural), verb (past, preset, and future tense) and adverb of time.

3.3 Population and Sample

The population of this research is the whole of the grammatical relation in sougb and as my sample I focus in several sentences that have many changes especially in subject, verb, aspect, tense and adverb of time in sougb.

3.4 Data Collection

To collecting the data, the researcher uses wordlist, paper and pen, and laptop as the tools to support the research.

3.5 Data Analysis

In analyzing data, I use tense and aspect in several sentences in sougb. I try to see its change, when its use tense (past, present, future), and when its use aspect especially in its verb.



Apomfires, F. and Sapulete, K (1993). MasyarakatArfak di Anggi, Manokwari, Irianjaya. inKoentjaraningrat, et al. MasyarakatTerasing di Indonesia. Jakarta :Gramedia.

Diantini, N W. 2010. Comparison  of  Grammatical Relation in Hattam and Sougb Language.Published skripsiManokwari: Faculty of Letters.The State University of Papua.

Ethnologue. 2012. A Language of Indonesia (Papua):Sougb. tersedia: http://www.etnologue.com%5C/15/show_language.asp?code=akc.accsessed27 november 2012.

Folley, William, A. (2000). The Language of New Guinea.In Annual Rev Antropology. Sydney: The University of Sydney, New Sath Wales.

Hornby, A. (rev.). 1980. Oxford Student’s Dictionary of Current English. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Indasari  F .2010. Affixation process in sougb language. Published skripsiManokwari : faculty of letter. The State University of Papua.

Lyle C. and Haris( 1995). Collecton of Grammar, Active/Agentive Case Marking, Department of Linguistic, University of Canterbury. New Zealand.

Reesink, Ger. 2002. Language of the Eastern Bird’s Head.Canbera: Pacific Linguistics. Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies.The Australian National University.














Kode-kode kunci Rahasia HP Android

Android adalah sistem operasi yang berbasis Linux untuk telepon seluler seperti telepon pintar dan komputer tablet. Android menyediakan platform terbuka bagi para pengembang buat menciptakan aplikasi mereka sendiri untuk digunakan oleh bermacam peranti bergerak. Jika Sebelumnya saya sudah memposring  Kode-kode rahasia Nokia,SE,Samsung dsb, Maka kali ini saya saya coba buat Share tentang Android
Oke langsung saja,Berikut ini tentang kode-kode kunci rahasia khusus buat HP Android

a. Tes WLAN, GPS dan Bluetooth
*#*#232339#*#* → tes WLAN
*#*#526#*#* → tes WLAN
*#*#528#*#* → tes WLAN (Gunakan “Menu” untuk meluncurkan berbagai tes)
*#*#232338#*#* → Menampilkan alamat MAC dari WiFi
*#*#1472365#*#* → tes GPS
*#*#1575#*#* → tes GPS lain
*#*#232331#*#* → tes Bluetooth
*#*#232337#*# → Menampilkan alamat Bluetoothb. Menampilkan GTalk Service Monitor


c. Kode untuk mendapatkan informasiversi firmware:

*#*#4986*2650468#*#* → PDA, Telepon, H / W, RFCallDate
*#*#1234#*#* → PDA dan Telepon
*#*#1111#*#* → FTA BD Versi
*#*#2222#*#* → FTA HW Version
*#*#44336#*#* → PDA, Telepon, CSC, Membangun Waktu, nomor daftar perubahan.

d. Kode untuk melakukan berbagai tes komponen pada ponsel:
*#*#0283#*#* → Loopback paket
*#*#0*#*#* → tes LCD
*#*#0673#*#* atau *#*#0289#*#* → tes Melody
*#*#0842#*#* → tes Device (Getaran, dan Backlight test)
*#*#2663#*#* → versi touchscreen
*#*#2664#*#* → tes touchscreen
*#*#0588#*#* → tes sensor jarak
*#*#3264#*#* → versi RAM

e. Menampilkan informasi tentangponsel dan baterai


Kode ini akan menampilkan empat menu dilayar

– Telepon Informasi
– Informasi baterai
– Sejarah Baterai
– Statistik

g. Fungsi: mereset (menghapus) datake asal


Kode ini akan MERESET data:
– Pengaturan akun Google yang disimpan di ponsel Anda
– Sistem, aplikasi data dan pengaturan
– Aplikasi yang Download

Dan TIDAK akan mereset:
– Sistem perangkat lunak yang telah terinstal dan paket aplikasi
– file di SD Card seperti foto, file musik, dll

Catatan: Setelah Anda memasukkan kode ini, Anda mendapatkan prompt pada layar meminta Anda untuk mengklik pada tombol “Reset Telepon”. Jadi Anda mendapatkan kesempatan untuk membatalkan operasi Anda.

h. Fungsi: memformat ponsel kepengaturan awal


Catatan: Setelah Anda memberikan kode ini, tidak ada cara untuk membatalkan operasi kecuali jika Anda melepas baterai dari telepon. Jadi berpikir dua kali sebelum memberikan kode ini.

Sebelum Anda memberikan kode ini pertimbangkan terlebih dahulu, karena kode ini akan menghapus semua file dan pengaturan, termasuk penyimpanan memori internal. Ini juga akan menginstal ulang firmware telepon.
i. Fungsi: memberikan informasitentang kamera ponsel*#*#34971539#*#*

Kode ini akan menampilkan empat menu berikut:
– Update firmware dari kamera dalam gambar (Jangan mencoba opsi ini)
– Update firmware kamera di kartu SD
– Mendapatkan versi firmware kamera
– Mendapatkan hitungan update firmware

Catatan: Jangan gunakan opsi pertama, opsi pertama akan membuat kamera ponsel akan berhenti bekerja dan Anda akan perlu membawa telepon ke layanan / toko untuk menginstal ulang firmware kamera.

j. Fungsi: Kode ini dapat digunakan untuk mengubah tombol perintah “End Call / Power”

Kode ini dapat digunakan untuk mengubah tombol perintah “End Call / Power” pada keypad ponsel Anda. Secara default, jika Anda menekan tombol power untuk beberapa saat, ia akan menampilkan layar yang digunakan untuk memilih pilihan dari mode Diam, Matikan telepon dab Airplane mode.
Anda dapat mengubah perintah tersebut dengan menggunakan kode ini. Anda dapat mengaktifkan pilihan tersebut secara langsung dari tombol sehingga Anda tidak perlu membuang waktu Anda dalam memilih pilihan.
k. Fungsi: membuka layar di manafile copy berada*#*#273283*255*663282*#*#*

l. Fungsi: membuka layanan modus log


Oke, sampai di sini semoga ada mamfaatnya….!

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Modul Belajar Android Dasar ________________________________________ Agan semua.. saya mau berbagi modul dasar belajar android nich… modul saya waktu belajar… lumayan gan buat nambah2 pengetahuan programming android. ini modul yg bahasa Indonesia…yg Ebook bhasa Inggris klo minat boleh commend…nanti saya upload. berikut linknya mas bro dari Box saya… Dasar : 1. Cover >>>>>>> http://www.box.com/s/00ob8ltm8l8nythekbsx 2. Pengenalan Android >>>>> http://www.box.com/s/n0oi4dpkaphys8nnzt04 3. Dasar Program Android >>>>> http://www.box.com/s/j9vvk1qfjvn7hmaf0lmn 4.User Interface 1 >>>>>>>>> http://www.box.com/s/cri4jixaifj3x2nbscje 5. User Interface 2 >>>>>>>>> http://www.box.com/s/nom26u7mty01kx6x5eku 5. Container & Resources >>>>>>> http://www.box.com/s/che3q9o8vkyd5nsqfha5 6. Preferense>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.box.com/s/qx2qdab0ssalut7tn65s Tambahan : 1. Tipe Data dalam Android >>>>>> http://www.box.com/s/hrgnhl2l7mla2liv8g0f 2. Widget di Android >>>>>> http://www.box.com/s/gk58ps32153ljnv10tyz 3. OPEN GL pada Android 1 >>>> http://www.box.com/s/h71kich1i4odvbbemxgt 4. OPEN GL pada Android 2 (Polygon) >>>> http://www.box.com/s/a5dv7l1runu2y1bq68cz ——————————————————————————————————————— Tambahan Modul Android Middle : modul android.doc >>>>>>>>> http://www.box.com/s/pof74hhvnuffzq6acf8o 24jam mahir android>>>>>> http://www.box.com/s/eir7l12b6lt4qacdg483
